Elizabeth (Liz) Ginsberg

Elizabeth Ginsberg

Fair Shot Texas PAC Recommends Liz Ginsberg for Texas House District 108

Elizabeth is a working mom, a respected attorney representing small businesses, and an active volunteer supporting our youth through Girl Scouts, PTAs, and Rays of Light. Elizabeth and her husband have lived in the community for 24 years and raised their two daughters here.

Elizabeth is an ardent advocate for our local public schools and believes that our state needs to dedicate more resources to our classrooms, while also protecting property taxpayers’ pocketbooks. On access to women’s reproductive healthcare services, Elizabeth believes that there should be limited interference by the state government. As your state representative, Elizabeth would fight to expand Medicaid, a move that would help provide health insurance coverage to over a million working Texans.

Learn more at Liz’s website. →


Mihaela Plesa


Averie Bishop